cloud service

Architecture Deployment

Our certified AWS architects provide you with advice and guidance on designing and deploying highly available architectures on AWS.

After careful evaluation and thorough security planning, we develop, integrate and implement scalable applications using the latest AWS features and services. We move your IT infrastructure to the AWS Cloud in an organized and uninterrupted fashion for you to operate.

Depending on the nature of your application and the underlying services it requires (compute, storage, database, etc.), StormIT uses AWS services to build well-architected applications on AWS, a flexible deployment solution that can be tailored to the needs of your application and business.

Well-architected infrastructure

StormIT builds infrastructure according to the AWS Well-Architected Framework which describes key concepts, design principles, and architectural best practices for designing and running workloads in the AWS Cloud.

Six pillars of AWS Well-Architected Framework

By going through each of these pillars, we can help you establish a well-architected infrastructure in AWS Cloud.

Operational Excellence

Efforts under the operational excellence pillar aim to improve systems, monitors, and procedures continually for ongoing operations.


Key aspects of the security pillar include avoiding violations of data confidentiality and integrity, as well as implementing appropriate control measures for detecting security events. Another key aspect of the pillar is the management of user access privileges.


From a reliability standpoint, key topics include recovering quickly from failure and applying preventative measures when designing a robust distributed system. Additional pillars include distributed system design, recovery planning, and applying new requirements.

Performance Efficiency

The performance efficiency pillar focuses on structured and streamlined computing and IT resource allocation. It includes key topics such as choosing the optimal type and size of resources needed to support workloads, monitoring performance, and maintaining efficiency as business needs change.

Cost Optimization

Key topics of the cost optimization pillar include choosing the correct resources in terms of quantity and type, avoiding unnecessary costs, and understanding how expenses change over time. After this, financial engineers should maximally scale their organizations to meet growing needs without overextending resources.


Understanding how sustainability affects your company's performance is key to understanding the third pillar. Topics include a shared model for sustainability, maximizing utilization to minimize required resources, and understanding impact.

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Serverless infrastructure

As an AWS Lambda Partner, we provide our customers with services and tools to help build or migrate their solutions to a microservices architecture running on serverless computing. StormIT helps organizations deploy new applications or redesign legacy systems to increase agility and optimize costs by leveraging serverless technologies with auto-scaling, built-in high availability, and usage-based billing models. Our experienced cloud architects will help you innovate faster and get the most out of the AWS Cloud.

Whether you're building an API or a real-time data processing backend, serverless computing lets you build and run applications without thinking about servers.

With StormIT and AWS serverless services like AWS Lambda, API Gateway, and DynamoDB, you can better serve your end customers by focusing on product innovation and business value rather than managing infrastructure. Serverless applications also ensure faster time to market and lower your infrastructure costs.

Infrastructure as a Code (IaC)

Similar to how software developers write application code, AWS and StormIT provide services to create, deploy, and maintain AWS infrastructure programmatically. These services provide rigorous, editable, and reliable service for successful development and operations (DevOps).

Whether your application architecture is a simple three-tier web application or a complex set of workloads, StormIT can provide deployment services to meet your application and business needs.

The ever-expanding catalog of AWS services makes it difficult not only to determine which services make up your application architecture, but also how to build, manage, and update your applications.

  • StormIT team is ready to architect and prepare IaC in the following AWS services:
  • AWS CloudFormation
  • AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK)
  • AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM)
  • Terraform
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Infrastrcture as a code
Serverless architecture

Our approach



Create the infrastructure on Amazon EC2, Amazon VPC, subnets, etc. or managed service infrastructure on Amazon S3, Amazon RDS or Aurora, Amazon CloudFront, etc. or serverless services using AWS Lambda, API Gateway, Amazon DynamoDB as required for your application. In most cases this is provided by infrastructure as a code.



Customize your infrastructure based on environment, runtime, security, availability, performance, network or other application requirements.



Install or update your application components onto infrastructure resources, and manage the migration.



Automatically adjust the number of resources available to your application based on a set of user-defined criteria.



Provide visibility into the resources that are launched as part of your application architecture. Track resource usage, deployment success/failure, application health, application logs, and more.

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