cloud service

Game on - Scale, secure, comply with AWS Cloud

Provide your players with better user experience, comply with regulations and scale your business to new markets.

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Scale your business with scalable and reliable Infrastructure

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Web hosting

Host gaming websites and applications on AWS for reliable and scalable infrastructure that can handle traffic spikes during peak gaming times.

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Database Services

Manage player data, game results, and transaction records with high availability and scalability.

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Content Delivery

Use Amazon CloudFront for fast and secure content delivery, ensuring low-latency access to gaming content.

Meet and satisfy compliance regulations

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Identity and Access Management (IAM)

Implement fine-grained access controls to secure customer data and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.

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Use AWS Key Management Service (KMS) to encrypt sensitive data, both at rest and in transit.

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Compliance Assistance

Leverage AWS compliance offerings and documentation to help meet industry-specific and regional regulatory requirements.

Use data analytics, machine learning and personalization to provide better user experience

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Data Warehousing

Store and analyze player behavior data using Amazon Redshift or Amazon Athena to gain insights for personalizing gaming experiences and marketing strategies.

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Machine Learning

Implement AWS machine learning services like Amazon SageMaker to develop recommendation systems for personalized game suggestions.

AWS Cloud Features for Real Money Gaming Businesses

Contact us
  • Green Checkmark

    Serverless and Microservices Architecture

  • Green Checkmark

    Global Reach and Low Latency

  • Green Checkmark

    Real-time Analytics and Fraud Detection

  • Green Checkmark

    Cost Management

  • Green Checkmark

    Backup and Disaster Recovery

  • Green Checkmark

    Game Development and Testing

  • Green Checkmark

    Customer Support and Engagement

Our Clients

We're proud to help organizations harness the power of the cloud and leading technology. Below are some of our recent references.

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